Turning Facebook live viewers into fans: tips for your Facebook marketing

Do you often travel to exciting places or take part in events that will interest the target market for your Facebook marketing? If so, it would be a good idea to let your target market participate via Facebook live videos. The videos can easily be made and transmitted via smartphone, so there is no need for complex camera equipment.

Before you go on air on Facebook for the first time, however, you should familiarise yourself a little with the app and your camera so that you end up with a video that is actually worth watching. If you want to get a high number of viewers, think in advance what title and descriptive text you want to give your transmission. Keep it short but exciting, perhaps by announcing something controversial or mentioning what news viewers will hear during the transmission.

Facebook shows how many people are watching your livestream under the eye symbol. It is exciting to reach a lot of people with your livestream. But it can also be a bit embarrassing if your audience remains in the single digits. Make sure this does not happen by buying Facebook live viewers for your live transmission.

You can buy Facebook live viewers from us online before the actual transmission. As soon as it starts, we will activate the accounts selected for it to ensure that the number of viewers increases significantly. The effect you can achieve with this is that other Facebook users, who see your video in their news feeds, will also consider viewing the video. Because it is still true that the best way to get a high number of viewers is to have a lot of viewers already.

Using live videos for direct communication

The more you understand the art of interaction, the more effective a live video is for Facebook marketing. Which means that you should not just silently point the camera at the event which you want to present to your viewers. Introduce yourself, comment, and pay attention to the audience's reactions. If your audience gives you a lot of likes and hearts that appear all over the screen, thank them. If angry emojis or negative comments appear, react calmly. Or you may agree that they could have a valid point. If trolls appear on your live transmission, you can just block them. If you have taken the precaution of buying additional Facebook live viewers, you do not have to worry about the number of live viewers anyway. If you are planning a longer transmission, you can also try to involve other participants in the event, for example with short interviews or by taking statements.

But remember to point out to them that you are making a live transmission on Facebook, so that they know what they are getting into and agree to be shown in the video. But remember to point out to them that you are making a live transmission on Facebook, so that they know what they are getting into and agree to be shown in the video.

In principle, a live transmission should of course take place in public, because your goal is clearly to use it to win more Facebook friends and fans. In any case, the choice between "only me", "only friends" or "public" is only available for private accounts. But there is nothing wrong with practising a little in advance on your private account by selecting the "only me" privacy setting. Finally, delete all your practice videos and switch back to public, or go to your page to reach a large number of viewers. You must also set your profile to public if you want to follow the strategy of buying Facebook live viewers.

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